Social Media Campaigns

Facebook | Linkedin | Google Plus | Twitter

Social Media connects people and touches virtually every facet of the digital world.  It is fast becoming the preferred method of communication for many people today.  As such, many consumers are looking to interact with businesses the way they interact with friends and family.  Moreover, consumers today are looking to their trusted networks of friends and associates for advice and guidance on a whole host of topics, including products and service providers. At DRH, we believe that an integrated Social Media strategy is vital to both the short and long term success of every organization.

We offer two core solutions where we provide you with a dedicated social media consultant who will work with you one-on-one to create, develop, and champion your campaign every step of the way:

Facebook: Consumers’ Companion

Our Consumers’ Companion product is dedicated exclusively to building a fan base on Facebook. With our consumers’ companion service, our goal is to make you the trusted resource for your product or service to your fan base.

Social Everywhere

Social Everywhere is a product designed to fully integrate your campaign across Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in and Google+.  Best for businesses with a B-to-B emphasis or businesses that like to include partners, suppliers and vendors in their inner-circle.

Both strategies offer the following:

  • Social Media consultation
  • Customized Social Media strategy
  • Engaging and relevant posts
  • Monthly planning sessions
  • Detailed growth reporting
  • Responses to inquiries

For a no-cost, no-obligation consultation and demonstration, please contact us or call our business development team today at (800) 842-9002.

Social Media – Custom Campaigns

At DRH, we believe that social media should be used to engage an audience, create relationships, and drive referrals to your business.  Our campaigns are fully integrated across all the major platforms like Facebook, Linked-in, Google+ and Twitter.



New York Office:
Local: (631) 467-6200
3555 Veterans Memorial Hwy

Suite 2D
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779-9916

Connecticut Office:
77 Main Street, North
Suite 203B
Southbury,  CT. 06488
Local: (917) 763-6067


Office hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm